How can I help you?

I’m writing here for the hopes of one day being able to live as a writer. It’s a big dream, yes. I’ll keep this going until a) you stop following me or b) decide against your better judgement to share your cold hard cash with yours truly.

Yes, we’ll have some laughs along the way. Yes, you’ll likely shed a tear every once in a while when I write something that tugs on your heart’s strings.

Majority of my pieces will elicit no such reaction other than dropping into your inbox. You’ll skip them because you’re too busy. I understand this, seriously. We’re all busy doing our laps around the Sun.

If you find these articles aren’t to your liking after a couple posts, then please unsubscribe. Your 247 unread emails will thank you. We can stop adding to the piles of emails you’ll eventually just mark as read. It’ll also reduce your sense of impending doom when the slow wash of emails comes to a pause.

I won’t write things to appease you. I’m writing to write. It’s a place to read my everyday thoughts, experiences, and concerns.

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Absurdity. Observation. Occasional seriousness.


Absurdity. Observation. Occasional seriousness.